Debian Patches

Status for libnss-mysql/1.6.1-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-debianize-config.patch Update configuration file to debian layout
[jing] use /run instead of /var/run
<> not-needed 2008-11-05
0003-acinclude-multiarch.patch Use mysql_config to find mysql multi-arch libs <> invalid 2012-04-18
0004-group-skipped-fix.patch Group skipped on buffer resize
When the buffer is too small, libnss-mysql returns NSS_TRYAGAIN so
that the OS doubles the buffer size and call the function again.
However the MySQL resultset is not reset, so when the function is
called again, it uses the next row, and hence skips an entry.

This is a proof-of-concept patch that use mysql_row_tell and
mysql_row_seek to fix this issue.

[jing] rebase the patch on v1.6.1.
Sylvain Beucler <> yes debian upstream 2009-08-07

All known versions for source package 'libnss-mysql'
