Debian Patches

Status for libosmo-sccp/1.6.0+dfsg1-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_make_library_shared.patch Upstream only delivers static libraries. This patch changes these
to shared libraries. In addition, the libraries are renamed to make it clearer
what they are (and because of a conflict in the Debian namespace for one of
Ruben Undheim <> no 2018-08-05
02_set_version_explicitly.patch Make sure the version is set correctly and therefore not depend
on some git command to find a "dirty" version.
Ruben Undheim <> no 2018-08-05
0005-Patch-the-pkconfig-file-for-libosmo-xua.patch Patch the pkconfig file for libosmo-xua Ruben Undheim <> no 2018-08-05
0006-Separate-expected-response-big-endian.patch Separate expected response big endian Ruben Undheim <> no 2018-11-18
non-dfsg-manual.patch manual contains invariant sections, which is not DFSG compatible=================================================================== no

All known versions for source package 'libosmo-sccp'
