Debian Patches

Status for libsfml/2.5.1+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
02_build-doc-once.patch Adjust build script to build documentation only once This patch removes the ALL option from the documentation build command so
that it must be run manually with "make doc". This prevents the documentation
being built twice (normal build + install phase). It also allows the
documentation building to happen after the code building, which makes the
logs much more readable in parallel builds.
James Cowgill <> no
06_pkgconfig-libs-private.patch Remove *.private fields from pkg-config files This avoids unnecessary dependencies which are only needed when building static
libraries. It also removes the unused dependency on glu.
James Cowgill <> not-needed
01_remove-googleapi-css.patch Remove commented out googleapi css in documentation There isn't actually any privacy breach here (since the line is commented
out), but removing it shuts up lintian.
James Cowgill <> no

All known versions for source package 'libsfml'
