Debian Patches

Status for libtest-block-perl/0.13-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Make-Test-Block-work-with-perl-5.23.8.patch [PATCH] Make Test-Block work with perl 5.23.8+
In 5.23.8, the order of steps that perl takes when leaving a scope has
changed. In particular, destructors are now called *before* PL_curcop
is restored and before the context is popped from the stack.

The net effect of this is that caller() called from a destructor called
while exiting a scope will see the last line of the exiting scope rather
than its first line, and may see STOREs still in the call stack that
were triggered by undoing a locations of a tied variable, that themselves
trigger destructors.
David Mitchell <> yes debian upstream 2016-02-26

All known versions for source package 'libtest-block-perl'
