Debian Patches

Status for libxml-sax-machines-perl/0.46-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
pod-warnings.patch Fix errors with pod2man Jonathan Yu <> invalid vendor 2013-10-11
siteconfig-warning.patch warning about XML::SAX::Machines::SiteConfig and upgrades is a Perl module which is supposed to be used for system
configuration of the XML-SAX-Machines module, rather than changing
things in ConfigDefaults. The problem is that on Debian systems, this
file is installed in /usr/share/perl5, rather than /etc/perl, which
means that any changes will be silently overwritten upon an upgrade,
which would clobber a user's changes. The proposed fix for this is to
add a documentation patch explaining this behaviour.
Jonathan Yu <> not-needed upstream vendor 2013-10-11
pod-spelling.patch fix a spelling mistake gregor herrmann <> yes upstream vendor 2013-10-11

All known versions for source package 'libxml-sax-machines-perl'
