Debian Patches

Status for lwjgl/2.9.3+dfsg-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
allarchs.patch Try to support all Debian architectures Markus Koschany <> no
nomacosx.patch Disables Mac OS X support Markus Koschany <> not-needed
disable-pack200-task.patch Disables the pack200 task Markus Koschany <> not-needed
javadoc.patch Link the javadoc with the system JDK documentation Debian Java Maintainers <> not-needed
ppc64el.patch Support the ppc64el platform. Not absolutely sure if this is still needed though. Markus Koschany <> not-needed
systemjinput.patch Use Debian's jinput.jar Markus Koschany <> not-needed
build-failure.patch build-updatesite.xml doesn't exist and causes a build failure Markus Koschany <> not-needed
no-asm-support.patch No asm support. We don't support the optional asm.jar because LWJGL is not compatible with libasm-java. Markus Koschany <> not-needed
java9-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 9 (sun.reflect.FieldAccessor is no longer accessible) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
annotation-processor-workaround.patch Workaround for a regression in the annotation processor with Java 9+ Emmanuel Bourg <> no debian
javah.patch Generate the native headers with 'javac -h' instead of javah (removed from Java 10) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
add-missing-symbols-in-native-lib-v2.patch Compile and add to library missing object files Some C files present in "src/native/common", and "src/native/linux"
were not included in the native library build. This patch should include them
Also, when building the Debian package, the library "jawt", which is a
dependency, was missing as well when building the native library.
This patch should allow building the Debian package with OpenJDK 11.
no debian 2018-12-31
java17-compatibility.patch Drops pack200 compression support to build with OpenJDK 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'lwjgl'
