Debian Patches

Status for mail-spf-perl/2.9.0-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
pod-links.patch fix pod test errors "L<> starts or ends with whitespace" gregor herrmann <> yes debian upstream vendor 2013-08-22 I hope that the following report contains all necessary information (first
report at - should anything be missing, please don't hesitate
to contact me. has been down for more than 5 months now.
Given that the default_authority_explanation is quite often verbatimly
logged by various users of the package it should be replaced.

The patch changes all relevant occurrences of to either:
* a link to rfc7208
* a snapshot of the site at
* in case of the default_authority_answer to a string without any url
Stoiko Ivanov <> yes debian upstream CPAN RT 2021-01-03

All known versions for source package 'mail-spf-perl'
