Debian Patches

Status for maven/3.8.8-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
reproducible-build-timestamp.patch Set the variable to the date defined by the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable to make the Maven builds reproducible. Emmanuel Bourg <> no
slf4j-compatibility.patch Upgrade to SLF4J 1.7.25 and remove the monkey patching Emmanuel Bourg <> yes upstream
03_jansi_behavior.patch set -Djansi.mode=force unless --batch-mode/-B is specified. This enables colorized output for Debian versions of jansi > 2.4.0-2.
This behavior can be overridden by setting MAVEN_JANSI_PROPERTY="",
or to any other valid jansi.mode property value.
tony mancill <> not-needed debian

All known versions for source package 'maven'
