Debian Patches

Status for migrationtools/48-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1001_require_path.patch require full path (not bare file) for perl scripts It is considered a security flaw to rely on current workingdir,
and recent versions of perl therefore need ./ prefix
to explicitly state when ok to load from same dir
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2020-09-07
1004_use_Kerberos_scheme.patch comply with Kerberos schema (not deprecated krb-kdc schema) generates ldif with incompatible kerberos attributes
according to related kerberos schema from package krb5-kdc-ldap.
Ldif import will fail,
due to invalid objectclass combination
and invalid kerberos attribute krb5PrincipalName.
. should use "auxiliary" objectClass krbPrincipalAux
instead of krb5Principal
and attribute krbPrincipalName instead of krb5PrincipalName.
Quirin Maier <> no debian 2020-09-07

All known versions for source package 'migrationtools'
