Debian Patches

Status for mina2/2.1.4-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
SO_SNDBUF.patch no longer throw when setting SO_SNDBUF fails in NioSocketAcceptor tony mancill <> no debian 2021-05-02
xbean-plugin-version.patch xbean-plugin-version Markus Koschany <> no 2020-10-17
03-easymock-compatibility.patch 03-easymock-compatibility Markus Koschany <> no 2020-10-17
05-spring-dependency.patch 05-spring-dependency Markus Koschany <> no 2020-10-17
maven-bundle-plugin.patch maven bundle plugin

"key must be an EXTENDED". Code is in BND Analyzer.Java, method verifyAttribute

It appears the path variable is null but I don't know the reason. Probably a
bug in either bnd or maven-bundle-plugin. The Export-Package paragraph looks
correct to me but it causes the build failure. At the moment no package seems
to require the OSGi metadata, hence this kind of workaround.
Markus Koschany <> not-needed debian 2020-10-18

All known versions for source package 'mina2'
