Debian Patches

Status for minetest-mod-pycraft/0.22-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1020-mod-description.patch Provide short description for in-game use Provide a short description that show up in the module list inside
the Minetest menu.
Petter Reinholdtsen <> yes 2021-09-23
1030-consolidate-python-shebang.patch Consolidate shebang use in all python scripts Use '#!/usr/bin/env python3' everywhere. This also change
python to python3, documenting the expected python version
to use.
Petter Reinholdtsen <> yes 2021-09-23
1040-readme-trusted.patch Mention need for secure.trusted_mods setting in README This is needed to get the module working. Petter Reinholdtsen <> yes debian 2023-02-13

All known versions for source package 'minetest-mod-pycraft'
