Debian Patches

Status for modules/5.2.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
reproducible-build.patch reproducible build for paths embedded in shipped files
Looking up the full path of tools from PATH at build-time and
injecting them in files shipped in the package might lead
to unexpected paths being embedded when building in an
unclean local environment.

To avoid this problem, this patch gives the explicit paths
to the tools to make the build reproducible.

Unfortunately only tclsh is overrideable via --with-tclsh=
from configure command line but no the rest, so we opt
for patching the configure file instead.

This patch also makes sure that the specified variables (PS and
BASENAME) actually gets used in the check_requirement call.
Andreas Henriksson <> no
configure.patch Add missing component support Alastair McKinstry <> no

All known versions for source package 'modules'
