Debian Patches

Status for nproc/0.5.1-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Do-not-install-redundant-files.patch Do not install redundant files Stephane Glondu <> no 2015-02-12
0002-Retry-waitpid-if-it-fails-with-EINTR.patch Retry waitpid if it fails with EINTR Martin Jambon <> no 2011-12-30
0003-possible-fix-for-concurrent-access-to-the-input-stre.patch possible fix for concurrent access to the input stream
in the master process, there are threads 1-to-1 associated with
workers. They concurrently try to pull a task from a stream
[in_stream] and send it to a worker, providing a waiter thread for
delivering the output. However it seems that several worker-associated
threads can read the same incoming value in the stream, perform the
computation concurrently and try to send it back to the waiter. Since
the waiter is woken up several times, this generates the exceptions

The final result is correct, but ressources are wasted, since some
computation may be several times by several workers (and that really
happens, since the exceptions are raised quite a few times).

The proposed fix is to add a mutex for the access to [in_stream].
pveber <> no 2013-04-01
0004-slightly-more-efficient-fix-for-concurrent-access-to.patch slightly more efficient fix for concurrent access to [in_stream]
now each pool has its own mutex.
pveber <> no 2013-04-01
0005-Fix-compilation-with-OCaml-5.2.0.patch Fix compilation with OCaml 5.2.0 Stephane Glondu <> no debian 2024-08-10

All known versions for source package 'nproc'
