Debian Patches

Status for nqp/2020.12+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
skip-dubious-tests Skip dubious tests The disabled tests are not reliable. Let's skip them
until this problem is fixed upstream
dod not-needed upstream
Use-VERSION-file-to-determine-nqp-version.patch Use VERSION file to determine nqp version
In upstream, the VERSION file is used as a fallback mechanism to set the
version number. However, if a git working copy is found, then the most
recent tag is used. This is not the right thing to do in the packaging
repository. Thus the `git describe` code needs to be removed.
Paul Cochrane <> no 2015-04-24
Ensure-MANIFEST-doesn-t-get-deleted-by-realclean.patch Ensure MANIFEST doesn't get deleted by realclean Paul Cochrane <> not-needed 2015-06-16
use-packaged-bootstrap Use packaged bootstrap dod no
use-packaged-angularjs Use packaged angularjs dod no
fix-nqp-path-in-examples Fix nqp path in examples dod no
reproducible-generated-files.patch make generated files reproducible Adding a comment to mention that a file is generated is fine.
But this comment must not contain the absolute path of the generating file, which is given by $0.
Hardcoding the file name is not elegant, but it's simple...
dod yes debian upstream

All known versions for source package 'nqp'
