Debian Patches

Status for ontospy/2.1.1~dfsg2-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1000~3e96eaa.patch stop use linebreaks filter in Markdown templates The Markdown Django templates were using the linebreaks filter
on some of the content.
This filter wraps content using <p> and <br />.
However this means
that if the ontology was using Markdown in their comments
this would not get rendered
as most Markdown renderers don't apply rendering
inside of HTML block elements like <p>.
It was also unnecessary
since Markdown renderers already use line breaks
to suitably render paragraphs.
This was most applicable for descriptions of things
since those are the places
were ontology authors were most likely to want to use Markdown
to explain the intended usage of their ontology concepts.
By removing the use of this filter
the ontology descriptions are output as-is
in the generated Markdown files
allowing any Markdown in them to be rendered
by whatever Markdown renderer the user ultimately chooses.
Rob Vesse <> yes upstream upstream, 2023-10-18
1001_endpoint_URIs.patch modernize SPARQL endpoints Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2024-06-15
1002_jquery.patch Simplify jQuery URIs in templates Adjust hardcoded paths in templates
for easier symlinking with system-shared jquery
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2022-02-13
1003_bootstrap.patch Simplify Bootstrap and Bootswatch URIs in templates Adjust hardcoded paths in templates
for easier symlinking with system-shared Bootstrap and Bootswatch
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2022-02-13
1004_chart.patch Simplify Chart.js URI in template Adjust hardcoded path in templates
for easier symlinking with system-shared Chart.js
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2022-02-13
1005_d3.patch Simplify D3.js URIs in templates Adjust hardcoded paths in templates
for easier symlinking with system-shared D3.js
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2022-02-13
1006_configparser.patch Add Python 3.12 compatability Michael R. Crusoe <> yes debian upstream 2024-01-31
2001_privacy.patch Avoid privacy breach Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2019-01-31

All known versions for source package 'ontospy'
