Debian Patches

Status for openldap/2.4.57+dfsg-3+deb11u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
ldapi-socket-place Move the ldapi socket to /var/run/slapd from /var/run, since /var/run
is only writable by root and slapd runs as openldap.

evolution-ntlm Patch from evolution-exchange (2.10.3). The ldap_ntlm_bind function is
actually called by evolution-data-server, checked at version 1.12.2.
Without this patch, the Exchange addressbook integration uses simple binds
with cleartext passwords.

Russ checked with openldap-software for upstream's opinion on this patch
on 2007-12-21. Upstream had never received it as a patch submission and
given that it's apparently only for older Exchange servers that can't do
SASL and DIGEST-MD5, it's not very appealing.

Bug#457374 filed against evolution-data-server asking if this support is
still required on 2007-12-21.
debian-version Replace upstream version with Debian version in version strings Ryan Tandy <> not-needed
man-slapd Patch the slapd man page to not refer to a header file that isn't
installed with the slapd package and to reference the correct path
for slapd.

slapi-errorlog-file The slapi error log file defaults to /var/errors given our setting
of --localstatedir. Move it to /var/log/slapi-errors instead.

wrong-database-location Move the default slapd database location to /var/lib/ldap instead of

index-files-created-as-root Document in the man page that slapindex should be run as the same user
as slapd, and print a warning if it's run as root (since Debian defaults
to running slapd as openldap).

Not suitable for upstream in this form. This patch needs to be reworked
to check the BerkeleyDB database ownership and only warn if running as
root with a database that's not owned by root.

Upstream ITS #5356 filed requesting better handling of this. Current
upstream discussion leans towards putting the check into the database
backend and aborting if slapd is run as a different user than the database
owner, which is an even better fix.
sasl-default-path Add /etc/ldap/sasl2 to the SASL configuration search path.

Not submitted upstream. Somewhat Debian-specific and probably not of
interest upstream.
libldap-symbol-versions Add symbol versioning to the public LDAP libraries. This is required for
library transitions, such as the current transition from 2.1 to 2.4,
since programs will sometimes have both libraries loaded by different
dependency chains during the transition.

Not yet contributed upstream.

Upstream ITS #5365 filed requesting symbol versioning for libldap and
getaddrinfo-is-threadsafe OpenLDAP upstream conservatively assumes that certain resolver functions
(getaddrinfo, getnameinfo, res_query, dn_expand) are not re-entrant; but we
know that the glibc implementations of these functions are thread-safe, so
we should bypass the use of this mutex. This fixes a locking problem when
an application uses libldap and libnss-ldap is also used for hosts

Closes Debian bug #340601.

Not suitable for forwarding upstream; might be made suitable by adding a
configure-time check for glibc and disabling the mutex only on known
thread-safe implementations.
Steve Langasek <> no
do-not-second-guess-sonames Rip out code that second-guesses the libsasl soname / Debian shlibs. If
cyrus sasl upstream is breaking the ABI, this needs to be fixed upstream
there, not kludged around upstream here!

Debian bug #546885

Upstream ITS #6302 filed.
contrib-makefiles no
smbk5pwd-makefile-manpage [PATCH] contrib/smbk5pwd: add man page, install it too
Add a manual page slapo-smbk5pwd.5 and update smbk5pwd's Makefile to
install the new manual page.

This patch is derived from the corresponding patch upstreamed in ITS#8205
Peter Marschall <> no 2015-07-26
lastbind-makefile-manpage no
ldap-conf-tls-cacertdir no
add-tlscacert-option-to-ldap-conf no
fix-build-top-mk no
switch-to-lt_dlopenadvise-to-get-RTLD_GLOBAL-set.diff Switch to lt_dlopenadvise() so back_perl can be opened with RTLD_GLOBAL. Open all modules with RTLD_GLOBAL, needed so that back_perl can load
non-trivial Perl extensions that require symbols from itself.
Jan-Marek Glogowski <> no debian 2010-05-18
no-bdb-ABI-second-guessing don't second-guess BDB ABI OpenLDAP upstream conservatively assumes that any change to the version
number of libdb can result in an API-breaking change that could impact
the database. In Debian, we know that such changes require bumping the
library soname and changing the package name, and demand such rigor from
our package maintainers even when upstreams don't deliver; so any such
check in the source code works against the packaging system by forcing
database upgrades when we know none are required. Disable this check
so we rely on the packaging system to do its job.
Steve Langasek <> not-needed debian
ITS6035-olcauthzregex-needs-restart.patch no
set-maintainer-name no
ITS-9086-Add-debug-logging-for-more-GnuTLS-errors.patch [PATCH] ITS#9086 Add debug logging for more GnuTLS errors Ryan Tandy <> no 2019-09-22
ITS-9454-fix-issuerAndThisUpdateCheck.patch [PATCH] ITS#9454 fix issuerAndThisUpdateCheck Howard Chu <> no 2021-02-06
ITS-9815-slapd-sql-escape-filter-values.patch [PATCH] ITS#9815 slapd-sql: escape filter values Howard Chu <> no 2022-03-23

All known versions for source package 'openldap'
