Debian Patches

Status for pagure/5.14.1+dfsg-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0005-update-wtform-validator-call.patch Fix wtforms issue
The Required validator is no longer available. This will use
DataRequired instead of Required.
zlopez, Michal Konečný not-needed
0006-use-markupsafe-escape.patch 'jinja2.escape' is deprecated and will be removed in Jinja 3.1. Import 'markupsafe.escape' instead. Klaus Koder not-needed
0007-cgi-escape-removed.patch Python 3.13 removes cgi Matthieu Moy, Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes debian based on git-multimail ddc9a1c
0008-fix-warning-1085764.patch Avoid invalid escape SyntaxWarning Ville Skyttä yes debian git-multimail eb590c3
0010-dont-crash-on-nameless-test.patch Don't crash the test suite when _testMethodDoc is None Rebecca N. Palmer <> invalid
0012-chardet5.patch Accept chardet 5 Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream eeb9acdc
0014-imp-pygit2remote-renamed.patch they are now called importlib and pygit2.remotes Dominik Wombacher, Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed upstream
0015-sqlalchemy-relation-renamed.patch use new name Dominik Wombacher, Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed upstream
0016-use-markupsafe-markup.patch flask.Markup no longer exists Dominik Wombacher, Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed upstream
0017-spelling.patch Fix typos and grammar Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0019-create_remote-removed.patch stop using pygit2 Repository.create_remote
Does not exist in 1.14+, replaced by Repository.remotes.create
Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 1cf9ec5a298e04acc738f343b29c26b36ba273a3
0036-dont-assume-gitrepo.patch Don't assume we're building from a git repo
read_output used git rev-list on the pagure repo
(not a small test repo) as an example of a large output
Rebecca N. Palmer <> invalid
0037-emptystr-vs-None.patch None is not the empty string Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream e830f17a + c719bf09
0039-merge-pattern-seconds.patch Accept merge message with seconds count
See 5.14.1+dfsg-3 build log for failure examples
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0040-path-special-characters.patch Allow building in paths with version-number characters
werkzeug.secure_filename (called from add_attachment) strips out most
special characters, including some allowed in Debian version numbers
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0041-tokentest-timezone.patch Don't fail if run in non-UTC or over midnight
The default token expiration is set when pagure.forms is loaded,
not when the token is created (this is plausibly a bug,
but given the risk of introducing other bugs while trying to fix it,
I'm leaving it alone for now)

It is also today() (local time) not utcnow().
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0042-plugins-flaskwtfcompat.patch Avoid CSRF errors on plugins
"csrf_enabled" is deprecated since flask-wtf v0.14,
removed in v1.0, replaced by "meta={'csrf': }"
Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 34faff4927b2427aae6a4b2efd06d87bd642209e
0043-pygit2-1p17.patch parentless commits no longer allowed in nonempty repos Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0044-missing-Location-header.patch Allow missing Location header Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0034-error-messages3.patch Accept either werkzeug error
__version__ is removed in werkzeug 3.1
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
0035-avoid-415-emptyjson.patch Don't require JSON to be marked as such
(in particular, this allows requests where having *any*
body data is optional)
Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 7235ae9ab0adcbe9def07fe4b6397a8edebb5393
0020-pygit2-hex-oid-removed.patch Stop using pygit 2 .oid and .hex
(they no longer exist)

This generates approximately this patch (but isn't exactly what was used as some bugs were fixed afterwards) but needs some manual fixup

shopt -s globstar
dpkg-source --before-build .
# the first one is where we can easily tell where the str( goes - note that ([ not ]) in (1) is intentional, (3) matches either nothing or one of [0], [-1], ()
# the __str__() form is used where we can't easily tell where the str( goes, and may be manually fixed up afterwards, or in jinja templates (where the builtins aren't available but method calls are)
# ($|[^a-z]) is to avoid matching longer names that start with .oid or .hex
# peel() is an object, .target and .tree_id are oids
# assume the rest are objects (this way round as calling .id on already-an-oid will *immediately* fail) and see what complains
for f0 in pagure/templates/**/*.html ; do sed -i -E -e 's/\.(oid|target|tree_id)\.hex($|[^a-z])/.\1.__str__()\2/g' -e 's/\.oid($|[^a-z])/.id\1/g' -e 's/\.hex($|[^a-z])/.id.__str__()\1/g' ${f0} ; done
for f0 in pagure/**/*.py tests/**/*.py ; do sed -i -E -e 's/([ =\[\(\{])([0-9a-zA-Z_.]+?)(\[0\]|\[-1\]|\(\)|)\.(oid|target|tree_id)\.hex/\1str(\2\3.\4)/g' -e 's/\.(oid|target|tree_id)\.hex($|[^a-z])/.\1.__str__()\2/g' -e 's/\.oid($|[^a-z])/.id\1/g' -e 's/([ =\[\(\{])([0-9a-zA-Z_.]+?)(\[0\]|\[-1\]|\(\)|)\.hex($|[^a-z])/\1str(\2\\4/g' -e 's/\.hex($|[^a-z])/.id.__str__()\1/g' ${f0} ; done
# this file uses uuid hex, undo whatever we did to that
# other places that do were fixed manually
git diff pagure/lib/ | patch -p1 -R
grep -rniE -e "\.oid|\.hex" --exclude-dir=.pc --exclude-dir=debian .
dpkg-source --commit . 0020-pygit2-hex-oid-removed.patch
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
0021-bleach-now-frozenset.patch can't add list to frozenset Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
0022-pygit2-git_obj_commit-removed.patch Stop trying to use (removed) pygit2.GIT_OBJ_COMMIT Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
0023-celery-no-empty-id.patch Don't pass empty task_id to Celery
fails in celery 5.3.0+
Klaus Koder not-needed upstream
0024-unittest-renames.patch 'assertEquals' removed, replaced by 'assertEqual' Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 8c301083 + d7803cdd
0025-no-markdown-etree.patch Be compatible with newer markdown Michal Konečný, Dominik Wombacher no part of upstream ee9713375e857f054664dc82e14fa86bbd2fe1e6
0026-error-messages.patch expect new spelling/format of error messages
19d2b27b + f9185cd0 + 061d07ec + 2dfe6da4 + a2b3d943
Dominik Wombacher, Michal Konečný not-needed upstream 349fe5a9 + efc12ec5 + 1a5c449c +
0027-dont-strip-None.patch Check for None before using string methods, not after
(wtforms now returns None instead of an empty string for no input)

83ad40b6 2889d1e9 dcb9b6a9
Michal Konečný, Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream d269390c 77a3fbf5 7832b71a 4351d921 dbb90e2c
0029-tests-gitolite-path.patch Don't try to write somewhere that doesn't exist Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
0030-arrow-timestamp.patch arrow 'timestamp' property removed in >=v1.0.0 Dominik Wombacher, Michal Konečný, Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes based on 39b99cc5 + febbf04e + ce28af0f + 5a73e49e
0031-chardet-encoding-list.patch expect newer chardet output Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 50c49a5f + 86a42ecd
0032-plugin-name-in-error.patch actually use the name argument
Not using it raises an exception
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
0033-error-messages2.patch Accept new error messages Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
0009-security.patch Fix (probably minor) security issues
- Quote non-escaping in HTML
highlightjs/highlight.js#1475, highlightjs/highlight.js#2235
Only quotes, not other characters, were left unescaped.

- JavaScript prototype pollution
lodash/lodash#4336 = CVE-2019-10744, lodash CVE-2018-16487,
chartjs/Chart.js#7920, chartjs/Chart.js#7918
These are probably not exploitable from pagure, as the vulnerable
merge functions are used for merging configuration objects with
their defaults, and pagure only calls chartjs
(from static/issues_stats.js) and diff2html (from
templates/commit.html) with fixed configs, not configs depending
on content supplied by other users (e.g. the commit or pull
request being viewed).

- Leaks existence/metadata of files outside the repository
Zip archiving a repository containing symlinks uses the metadata of
the pointed-to file (which may be outside the repository),
not the symlink itself, and fails if that file does not exist. (It
used to include the file's content as well, CVE-2024-47515, but that
has already been fixed by upstream.)
Kirill Efimov, John-David Dalton, Jukka Kurkela, Evert Timberg, Josh Goebel, Ivan Sagalaev, Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes mostly upstreams of these Javascript libraries
0002-Fix-Python-shebang-for-various-scripts.patch Fix Python shebang for various scripts
Pagure ships with the "/usr/bin/env python" shebang, which doesn't
work on Debian because "python" refers to Python 2. This patch
replaces every occurrence of this by "/usr/bin/python3".
Sergio Durigan Junior <> invalid
0028-alembic-no3suffix.patch Rename 'alembic-3' to 'alembic' in unit tests Dominik Wombacher not-needed upstream 49be21253ea7ce2e48019a492c44d3f2ff804ccc Adjust path of
Pagure's file contains a hardcoded path for the script which doesn't work for us (/usr/libexec,
Fedora-specific). This patch adjusts the path to where we actually
install the script (/usr/share/pagure).

pagure-ev/pagure_ev.service is not similarly patched because
we don't install that (we use our pagure-ev-server.service instead)
Sergio Durigan Junior <> not-needed Adjust to locate template, static and theme files
On Debian, we install template, static and theme files under
/usr/share/pagure (instead of /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pagure,
which is upstream's default). For that reason, we have to adjust in order to make it properly locate these files.
Sergio Durigan Junior <> not-needed
0018-optional-test-depends.patch Skip tests with dependencies we don't have Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
0038-remove-mock.patch Replace mock with unittest.mock
#Generated by
shopt -s globstar
dpkg-source --before-build .
for f0 in pagure/**/*.py tests/**/*.py ; do sed -i -E -e 's/import mock$/import unittest.mock as mock/g' -e 's/from mock import/from unittest.mock import/g' ${f0} ; done
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
investigate_test_failures.patch debug output Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'pagure'
