Debian Patches

Status for phyml/3:3.3.20220408-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
sse_only_if_supported.patch Verify architecture whether we comiple on i386 or amd64 and only in this case use -msse Andreas Tille <> invalid debian 2013-08-05
no-configure-ac-date.patch Enable reproducible build based on version number rather than build date Kevin Murray no 2016-03-02
fix_declaration_of_temp.patch Add missing declaration, fix name of BEAGLE constant Andreas Tille <> no 2017-06-24
fix_wrong_initialisation_of_array.patch avoid initialisation an array with a scalar value Quoting James Cowgill <> on debian-mentors list:
You can't initialize an array with a scalar value (double[] != double).
Also, using an array of fixed size 1 is a code smell (why use an array
at all?)
The quick fix here is probably to wrap the values in curly braces to
form a correct array initializer.
Andreas Tille <> no 2017-06-24
no-march-native.patch Do not emit -march=native Graham Inggs <> no debian 2017-06-30
apply-cflags.patch apply CFLAGS Make sure standard Debian CFLAGS is propagated down to the build,
in order to propagate all hardening options.
Étienen Mollier <> not-needed 2021-11-17
filter-sse3-intrinsics.patch filter SSE3 intrinsics src/sse.c is compiled when SSE is active at least. However this file includes
some intrinsics which are specific to SSE3, so adjust the source code to make
sure the -msse3 option has been specified indeed. Unfortunately, this also
means that the code is unusable as is on x86 without proper sse3-support.
Étienne Mollier <> no 2021-11-17
apply-ldflags.patch forward LDFLAGS to build procedures Étienne Mollier <> not-needed 2021-11-23
typos.patch fix various typos caught by lintian Étienne Mollier <> no 2021-11-23

All known versions for source package 'phyml'
