Debian Patches

Status for pybluez/0.23-5.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Removed-2to3-command.patch [PATCH] Removed 2to3 command (#414) Stephen Abraham <> yes debian upstream upstream, 2021-09-20
Use-Py_ssize_t-when-parsing-buffer-length-fix-426-42.patch [PATCH] Use Py_ssize_t when parsing buffer length, fix #426 (#427)
From python 3.9 documentation:

> For all # variants of formats (s#, y#, etc.), the macro
> PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN must be defined before including Python.h. On Python
> 3.9 and older, the type of the length argument is Py_ssize_t if the
> PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN macro is defined, or int otherwise.

From python 3.8 changes:

> Use of # variants of formats in parsing or building value (e.g.
> PyArg_ParseTuple(), Py_BuildValue(), PyObject_CallFunction(), etc.)
> without PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN defined raises DeprecationWarning now. It
> will be removed in 3.10 or 4.0. Read Parsing arguments and building
> values for detail. (Contributed by Inada Naoki in bpo-36381.)

Nicolas Schodet <> no 2021-12-05
python3.11.patch Port to Python 3.11
* Replace "arg == Py_None" with Py_IsNone(arg)
* Replace arg->ob_type with Py_TYPE(arg)
* Replace "Py_TYPE(obj) = type" with Py_SET_TYPE(obj, type).
* Copy pythoncapi_compat.h from:
* pythoncapi_compat.h provides Py_SET_TYPE() and Py_IsNone() to old
Python versions.
Victor Stinner <> no debian upstream, 2021-09-08

All known versions for source package 'pybluez'
