Debian Patches

Status for python-opentracing/2.4.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Remove-internet-images-from-the-local-documentation.patch Remove internet images from the local documentation.
Fabrice Bauzac <> no 2019-10-23
0002-Avoid-linking-against-remote-documentation.patch Avoid linking against remote documentation
The documentation has an intersphinx_mapping against the Python
website. However, we shouldn't use the network during builds. So,
let's use a local inventory instead.

Fabrice Bauzac <> no 2019-11-06
use-mock-form-unittest.patch Use mock from unittest Thomas Goirand <> no 2024-08-28
remove-the-use-of-six.patch Remove the use of six Thomas Goirand <> no 2024-08-28
remove-asyncio-coroutine-decorator.patch Removed @asyncio.coroutine decorator This is deprecated earlier, and removed from Python 3.12 Thomas Goirand <> no 2024-08-28

All known versions for source package 'python-opentracing'
