Debian Patches

Status for python-pattern/2.6+git20180818-4.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstream/d051a02772e54b08201044f4cc08105a718880a7.patch [PATCH] travis.yml is updated
precise is outdated, so switch to xenial is made
asoboleva <> no 2019-05-29
upstream/aaa6e7c041a07e091be9d77b68b4b408de8de86d.patch [PATCH] travis set to work on python 2.7
- also now all the tests are run on 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 2.7 versions of Python
ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/50a36dbb5287d2b1a44325bf05a5196523d53def.patch [PATCH] PEP 479
otherwise numerous tests are failing
ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/5044ebc422822dc3eec518e8f36eab6565792fc0.patch [PATCH] russian wordlists are updated
information is taken from Wiktionary
ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/be98723d57c617285c82d87e2aa82a5b4a938458.patch [PATCH] mysqlclient removed from the requires package
so this helps in case if a person doesn't want to use mysqlclient package + this way tests aren't failing => the package is downloaded separately
ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/984798cdad2071ed66d3cf8b7e65a6afbadf6155.patch [PATCH] Update ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/cd9b2ab6ae05c217111633dbf28c0b891e5ba546.patch [PATCH] test_text: to correct
one of the test_texts is commented out, cause it works unpredictable
ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/2b7dd98ad34991f3e102b7e0dd25f598ef6336eb.patch [PATCH] this test behaves randomly ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/783ab92bd6c704f40327f22026133cff6d030861.patch [PATCH] no one needs 3.5 anyway ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/dd9a94f868c76bb7b505dfbc73835cce43b6999c.patch [PATCH] Update ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/fc7e2efa11959f5e43012d52199c40bd58380b61.patch [PATCH] Update ansable <> no 2019-06-04
upstream/8b515895ea9242abc67507f308a20a006a48f156.patch [PATCH] seeds added ansable <> no 2019-06-18
upstream/643cd0efafe13a8ce41cf392e42c14edb93599c3.patch [PATCH] seed planted directly to the problematic test ansable <> no 2019-06-18
upstream/15321c8a3e1c2a8db7b7d2ddf3fbfa7a64eb5164.patch [PATCH] Update ansable <> no 2019-06-18
upstream/070f9844a79b655324800382ffea5b8caf2b12bb.patch [PATCH] Update ansable <> no 2019-06-18
upstream-development/17f215438166729114762c3d9b3179dacd31490d-modified.patch [PATCH] new:irregular inflection of prefix verbs with known base (#258)

* example bug fixes

* python 3 release

* python 3 release

* setup updated

* new: additional logic to allow irregular inflection of unknown prefixed verbs with known base

* new: decomposition of prefix verbs for conjugate

* chg: reorder prefix stripping and infinitive stripping

* test case with unseparable prefix

* chg: skip regular inflection entirely if base verb is identified

* chg: remove debugging try-catch

* chg: problematic StopIteration cases due to breaking changes in 3.7

* switch to force conjugate to consider base form only

* allow parsing base verb candidate to find verbs with stacked prefixes

* failing verbs

* new: faux prefix verbs with at stem that looks like a prefix

* chg: reinstate and add new testcases for test_conjugate

* chg: block exceptional handling of verbs that only look like they have a prefix/end in 'ieren' suffix

* chg: convert expected outcome to set to avoid error from different ordering of results

* fix: error reporting

* chg: with female=1, male=2, expect jane to be sorted first

* chg: remove debugging try-catch, take different sqlite/mysql output into consideration

* chg: fix StopIteration 3.7 incompatibility, ensure check for self.delay

* chg: adapt test

* chg: make sure `Crawler.delay` is respected in `Crawler.crawl()` call

* chg: more verbose report on statistics for find_lemma/find_lexeme

* chg: expected ordering of result

* chg: expected ordering of result

* chg: added exceptions to prefix detection, new test cases.

* chg: explicit Exception for debugging.

* chg: reasoning for additional test cases.

* chg: allow detection of split inflected forms of German prefix verbs

* Remove libsvm/liblinear compilation step in CI

* Fix liblinear loading

* Add Python 2.7 and 3.7 to CI removing Conda setup

* Update CI Ubuntu image version

* Fix SQLite 'drop all tables' referencing MySQL tables

* Add 'order by' to 'left join' query test

* fix: do not strip prefix in infinite output

* new: test case for correct lemmatization of separated verb form

* fix: skip intermittently failing test - call limits

* merging test fix from

* chg: non-null seed value in test

* chg: track error for debugging

* new: blacklist simplex verbs starting with "da" for decomposition

* fix: newest scipy requires python 3, retain python2 compatibility by specifying release

* fix: newest cherrypy requires python 3, retain python2 compatibility by specifying release

* new: conjugation of geschehen

* fix: pytest/xdist version conflict

* fix: comment out stochastic test failing ca. 1/3 of time

* fix: comment out intermittently failing stochastic test (succeeds most of the time locally)

* increase version
JakobSteixner <> no 2019-06-18
upstream/d25511f9ca7ed9356b801d8663b8b5168464e68f.patch [PATCH] Changed links Stephan Tulkens <> no 2020-04-25
upstream-develop/e0f3ddbea6ed0268a04cd2020a88c9f8c03ea40c.patch [PATCH] use r'' raw strings for all regular expressions, context managers for all `open` James Powell <> no 2022-07-02
upstream-develop/5b7e2be6a9fa83a99e2893582b5a5c640f8394e8.patch [PATCH] context managers for all `open`; ensure unit tests run James Powell <> no 2022-07-02
upstream-develop/8e239e278103c7ce0c1bcba1fc9939533b865241-modified.patch [PATCH] ensure unit tests succeed; small clean-up (incl. context managers to reduce test noise) James Powell <> no 2022-07-03
upstream-develop/54c3694f81267e9e97dc9526f1893db1f7ff25e7.patch [PATCH] ensure unit tests succeed; small fixes James Powell <> no 2022-07-04
upstream-develop/967c2223ba5df3ca3c9187fb3fb5734c73922d20.patch [PATCH] small fixes; use context managers; avoid explicit `StopIteration` in generator James Powell <> no 2022-07-04
upstream-develop/45fe0b1c2952b92e25a79e416dd0e81c5e51f02d-modified.patch [PATCH] unit test fixes; disable irrelevant unit tests James Powell <> no 2022-07-05
use-system-modules.patch =================================================================== no
remove-paypal.patch =================================================================== no
fix-tests.patch =================================================================== no
liblinear-2_43.patch =================================================================== no
no-future.patch no

All known versions for source package 'python-pattern'
