Debian Patches

Status for python3-simpletal/5.2-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
use-html-escape.patch cgi.escape method has been removed in python3.8. To make it work cgi.escape is replaced by html.escape Olivier Aubert <> invalid 2021-03-02
use-importlib.patch Use importlib rather than imp.load_source
The `imp` module was removed in Python 3.12. Recipe from
Colin Watson <> no 2024-07-31
remove-cgi-example.patch Remove cgi-example
It's broken with Python 3.13 (which removes the `cgi` module), and so
old that it's probably not worth trying to fix.
Colin Watson <> no 2024-10-07

All known versions for source package 'python3-simpletal'
