Debian Patches

Status for roundcube/1.6.10+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
dbconfig-common-support.patch Adapt to the use of dbconfig-common package Romain Beauxis <> not-needed 2007-03-13
debianize-config.patch Debianize sample config file
* By default we do not have any plugins available (these are in
* Disable spellchecking, because it needs recommended packages.
Sandro Knauß <> not-needed 2016-05-09
fix-install-path.patch Fix INSTALL_PATH for bin/*.sh and tests/bootstrap.php
These scripts get installed to /usr/share/roundcube/bin, but
INSTALL_PATH should be /var/lib/roundcube/. Fixed/updated with

sed -ri "s#(\\s*define\\s*\\(\\s*(['\"])INSTALL_PATH\\2)\\s*,.*#\\1, '/var/lib/roundcube/');#" \
bin/*.sh installer/index.php program/include/iniset.php


- bin/, where we keep define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/' ); and
- bin/, where we use define('INSTALL_PATH', './');

We also edit tests/bootstrap.php to use the RCUBE_INSTALL_PATH environment variable.
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2019-06-08
update-script.patch Patch update scripts to work with Debian package Sandro Knauß <> not-needed 2015-03-13
use-enchant.patch Use enchant spellchecker engine by default.
We don't want to send messages to a 3rd party…
Vincent Bernat <> not-needed 2009-07-05
default-charset-utf8.patch Switch to UTF-8 as default charset Vincent Bernat <> not-needed 2010-07-17
debianize-password-plugin.patch Specify Debian path and group names in password plugin Jérémy Bobbio <> not-needed 2011-06-20
map-sqlite3-to-sqlite.patch Map dbconfig-common's "sqlite3" driver to "sqlite" Vincent Bernat <> not-needed debian 2013-07-12
use-embedded-jquery-for-http-authentication.patch Avoid fetching jQuery from Google, use the embedded one
This page is also just an example. The user is expected to provide their
own page.
Vincent Bernat <> not-needed 2015-08-22
update-composer.patch Update PHP pear dependencies
The current dependencies that are published by upstream are too
conservative, so:
* replace ~ and ^ (that only allows minor versions changes) with >= as
documented in the INSTALL file;
* replace pear/ with to create current Debian
package names.
Sandro Knauß <> not-needed debian Debian 2021-07-06
update-jsdeps.patch Make it possible to download/install unminified sourcefiles
We remove system libraries from this file so we easily notice updates
(either of the version, or of the map).
Sandro Knauß <> not-needed Debian 2021-07-06
use-system-JQueryUI.patch Use system JQueryUI
We source jquery-ui-accessible-datepicker.min.js after libjs-jquery-ui's
jquery-ui.min.js to avoid concatening these files (see the former's

Also libjs-jquery-ui's datepicker-* files don't have the ‘jquery.ui.’
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2019-06-07
rename-python-to-python3.patch Rename `python` to `python3` Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2021-01-10
adjust-test-environment-for-dep8.patch Adjust test environment for DEP-8 tests

1. Source ‘INSTALL_PATH . 'plugins/…’ rather than ‘__DIR__ . '/../…’ in
setUp(). This doesn't cause FTBFS but we want to check installed
code in DEP-8 tests.
2. Source ‘TESTS_DIR . '../SQL/…’ rather than ‘INSTALL_PATH . '/SQL/…’
in tests/ActionTestCase.php. Again, this doesn't cause FTBFS but we
want to run DEP-8 tests too and the binary packages ship the SQL
scripts under dbconfig-common not INSTALL_PATH.
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2021-01-10
fix-autoload-locations.patch Fix autoload locations
Snippets generated with `phpabtpl --suggest bacon/bacon-qr-code` and
`phpabtpl --suggest GuzzleHttp`.
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed debian 2022-03-13
mark-flaky-tests-as-such.patch Mark flaky tests as such.
That way we can run phpunit with `--exclude-group=flaky
--fail-on-skipped --verbose` and avoid missing unintentionally skipped
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2022-03-13
dont-force-set-session.gc_probability=1.patch Don't force set session.gc_probability=1
We don't have to rely on probabilistic synchronous garbage collection
since we're running bin/ periodically.

If desired the local admin can manually set session.gc_probability > 0
in the PHP configuration (on Debian systems the default value is 0 which
disables probability based GC). They may then want to disable the
cronjob or systemd.timer(5) unit.

This reverts upstream commit 32a0ad6778cde495e30f3447e5220136f0528cee.
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2022-06-29
fix-upstream-test-suite.patch Fix upstream's test suite
In our environment phpunit(1) resides in /usr/bin not vendor/bin.
Guilhem Moulin <> not-needed 2022-12-20
Tests-Use-mocked-Guzzle-client-in-Modcss-action-test.patch Tests: Use mocked Guzzle client in Modcss action test Aleksander Machniak <> not-needed 2023-12-17
Free-enchant-dictionary-resources.patch Free enchant dictionary resources
Fixes errors in tests
Aleksander Machniak <> not-needed 2024-04-05
Fix-FTBFS-with-phpunit-11.patch Fix FTBFS with phpunit 11 Guilhem Moulin <> yes debian upstream 2024-08-09
Fix-flaky-test.patch Fix flaky test Aleksander Machniak <> no debian upstream, 2024-07-07

All known versions for source package 'roundcube'
