Debian Patches

Status for ruby-chunky-png/1.4.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
do-not-use-bundler.patch Don't use bundler for tests Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-06
remove-git-from-gemspec.patch Remove git usage
This should also avoid the installation of files not belonging to the gem.
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed 2021-11-06
check_responds_regex_match_op.patch [PATCH] ruby3_2 fix: check if object responds to regex_match op
Object#=~ is already deprecated since ruby2.6 and will be
removed from ruby3.2. As the result, Array no longer
respond to =~ from ruby3.2, for example.

Check if the target object really respond to =~ .

Closes #168
Mamoru TASAKA <> no 2022-11-15

All known versions for source package 'ruby-chunky-png'
