Debian Patches

Status for ruby-vips/2.2.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-SourceCustom-test-failure.patch Fix SourceCustom test failure
The failure is the following:

1) Vips::SourceCustom can write an image to a user output stream
Failure/Error: expect(image.avg).to be_within(0.001).of(109.789)
expected 109.41407425505706 to be within 0.001 of 109.789

This has been consistently happening which demonstrate that the value in
be_whithin is not too accurate. To avoid this issue let's increase this
value and report this issue upstream to see their thoughts.
Lucas Kanashiro <> no debian upstream 2022-12-15
0002-Skip-test-failing-with-ruby-3.3.patch Skip test failing with ruby 3.3 Lucas Kanashiro <> invalid 2024-12-19

All known versions for source package 'ruby-vips'
