Debian Patches

Status for rust-sha1collisiondetection/0.2.3-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
drop-digest-trait.diff Avoid the optional digest feature for now.

We just want to build the binary sha1cdsum and ship the standard
sha1collisiondetection crate, and shipping the digest-trait feature
would require an upgrade of a large number of rust-crypto packages.
Once those updates are done, then we can add the digest-trait feature

Also, the structopt "feature" is really just a build-dependency for
the sha1cdsum binary, so we don't want it as an additional feature.

debcargo doesn't seem to have a way to represent this cleanly
(#977491) so we'll just treat it as non-optional for now.

All known versions for source package 'rust-sha1collisiondetection'
