Debian Patches

Status for smlnj/110.79-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
mltex2html-perl-fixes no
0002-update-copyright-notice.patch update copyright notice
This addresses the "may not sell ... with a commercial product or
service" copyright notice in the files
- libraries/ckit/src/parser/util/error-sig.sml
- libraries/ckit/src/parser/util/error.sml
which upstream fixed immediately upon being informed of the issue.

The upstream development commit cherry picked here is:
For discussion, see
"Barak A. Pearlmutter" <> no 2022-10-03
0003-i686-kernel-version.patch i686 kernel version
On arch i686, there is code to fail for kernel version <2.2, but it's
written as a case statement that ends at version 4.x. The test is
altered to allow arbitrarily kernel versions >=2.2.
"Barak A. Pearlmutter" <> no 2022-10-03

All known versions for source package 'smlnj'
