Debian Patches

Status for soapysdr/0.8.1-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
version-string Allow overriding version string Add an override option for the version string in CMakeLists.txt. The
original tries to combine its own string and EXTVER, so to make this
the Debian package version we would have to filter out the version
number from the changelog version.
Using the override we can simply pass the whole Debian version in
without using complex sed or awk filtering.

Andreas Bombe <> no
install-dev-docs Install API reference manual The HTML reference manual that is built when doxygen is available is
not installed in the upstream cmake scripts. This patch changes that
to install them in /usr/share/doc/libsoapysdr-doc/html for later
installation in its own package.
Andreas Bombe <> no
remove-distutils.patch replace distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() with sysconfig.get_path() tony mancill <> no debian

All known versions for source package 'soapysdr'
