Debian Patches

Status for soundscaperenderer/0.6.1+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstreamversion.patch fix upstream-version in configure upstream uses git-magic to set the version in AC_INIT().
since we are only dealing with "releases", we want to have proper version
numbers. since we don't want to update the patch for each new upstream-
release, we parse debian/changelog to extract the upstream version number.
IOhannes m zmölnig not-needed 2014-03-04
dont_build_excluded.patch don't build/install the non-existing files For Debian, some files get removed during import, so we must not use them
in the build process...
IOhannes m zmölnig not-needed 2023-02-06
sphinx.patch Don't use unpackaged sphinx modules/themese IOhannes m zömlnig not-needed Debian 2023-02-03
html_navigation.patch Remove navigation hints from HTML docs since we are not using the 'insipid' theme, these hints are just wrong IOhannes m zmölnig not-needed upstream Debian 2023-02-06

All known versions for source package 'soundscaperenderer'
