Debian Patches

Status for torrus/3.00-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_collector_rrd_path.patch Our RRD storage is /var/lib/torrus/collector_rrd and not /srv "jurijus@bobcat" <jurijus@bobcat> no 2016-11-17
02_torrus_siteconfig.patch Comment out dummy tree "jurijus@bobcat" <jurijus@bobcat> no 2016-11-17
03_doc-userguide.patch Adapt user guide to Debian packaging "jurijus@bobcat" <jurijus@bobcat> no 2016-11-17
04_doc-installation.patch adapt install.pod to tell people that they do not need to worry about the nightmare dependencies of this package. "jurijus@bobcat" <jurijus@bobcat> no 2016-11-17
10_rrdup_notify.patch Allow rrdup_notify to be configured from /etc/default/torrus-common Marc Haber <> no 2016-11-17
11_init_debian.patch Adjust upstream init script for Debian
Adjust upstream init script for Debian

* adjust Provides in LSB header
* source /lib/lsb/init-functions for systemd redirection
* create (and chown if necessary) the PID directory
* drop useless RHEL functions
* add mandatory force-reload argument
Bernhard Schmidt <> no
12_doc-manpages.patch no

All known versions for source package 'torrus'
