Debian Patches

Status for trafficserver/9.2.5+ds-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0021-workaround-obsolete-plantuml.patch Workaround obsolete python3-sphinxcontrib.plantuml Removing :align: sphinx commands as it's only supported in >0.6.0 Jean Baptiste Favre <> no other 2023-01-30
0003-reproductible-build.patch make the build reproducible Reiner Herrmann <> no other, 2016-11-18
0006-fix-doc-build.patch Make documentation build works outside of git repository Current documentation build requires git and curl to get some stuff from the internet
This patch aims to delete those dependencies, forcing git branch to master,
and using Debian provided plantuml instead of downloading it from apache mirror
Jean Baptiste Favre <> no other 2019-01-03
0008-fix-python-check-unused-dependencies.patch Force python3 usage, add libfakeroot-sysv and libeatmydata to blacklist Jean Baptiste Favre <> no other 2018-09-24
0013-fix-perl-interpreter-path.patch Fix Perl interpreter path Jean Baptiste Favre <> no 2019-01-03
0014-use_system_yaml-cpp.patch Update compilation chain after embedded libyamlcpp removal Jean Baptiste Favre <> no other 2019-01-30

All known versions for source package 'trafficserver'
