Debian Patches

Status for varnish/7.1.1-1.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Add-all-well-known-headers-to-the-perfect-hash-looku.patch Add all well-known headers to the perfect hash lookup table
This expands the perfect hash lookup table to be able to match any entry
in the list of well-known headers from tbl/http_headers.h.

Previously only the headers that had a non-zero filter flag section was
kept in the fast match table.
Martin Blix Grydeland <> no debian 2022-09-29
hpack-fix-pseudo-headers-handling.patch hpack: fix pseudo-headers handling
We should apply the same restrictions on the list of allowed characters inside
H/2 pseudo-headers as we do for H/1. This error is translated into the
headers we send to a backend over H/1.

Failure to do so could permit various exploits against a backend not handling
malformed H/1 requests.
Asad Sajjad Ahmed <> no debian 2022-09-30

All known versions for source package 'varnish'
