Debian Patches

Status for xerial-sqlite-jdbc/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
build.patch patching the Makefiles for a Debian build - Indicating the paths of jni.h and jni_md.h in JAVA_HOME subdirs.
- Linking against instead of getting sqlite3.c in the source
archive downloaded from the Internet.
- PAtching out the build of the OSInfo class as we don't need it.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-08-15
test.patch always running tests, and giving the path of the shared library Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-01-07
removed_test_resource.patch disabling a test relying on a deleted jar file Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-01-07
allow_discrepancy_in_driver_version.patch sqlite3 and the xerial JDBC may have different versions This is because we link against Debian-packaged sqlite3 lib, which may have a
version number different from the one of the xerial JDBC.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-01-07
cleaning.patch cleaning the Java part is already done by dh_auto_clean Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-01-07
skip_manifest_setting.patch the manifest file will be set by javahelper Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-01-08
skip_OSInfoTest.patch we don't need the OSInfo class, so we hide its test Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-08-15
tests_without_archunit-junit5_and_some_assertions.patch skipping tests needind unpackaged testing framework: - archunit-junit5 classes;
- org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatNoException
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2022-11-16
junit-jupiter-params_artifact.patch adding the needed junit-jupiter-params Maven artifacts in the dependencies Pierre Gruet <> yes 2023-02-04
no_graalvm.patch skipping the build of the class in src/main/java9 as it would require classes frm the graalvm SDK. Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2023-06-06

All known versions for source package 'xerial-sqlite-jdbc'
