Debian Patches

Status for yeahconsole/0.3.4-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
50-makefile.patch Multiple Makefile fixes Make Makefile more flexible, more conforming (DESTDIR. etc), cleaner
and properly working on Ubuntu where --as-needed is passed to the
linker by default.
Axel Beckert <> no debian
50-display.patch Fixes segfault when $DISPLAY is not defined/can't be opened
diff -Nura yeahconsole-0.3.4/yeahconsole.c yeahconsole-0.3.4.r.bk/yeahconsole.c
Damián Viano <> no
51-rootless-build.patch Don't explicitly set user and group to root Allows us to build without fakeroot. Axel Beckert <> no
52-yeahkeys.patch Recognize Shift key, Meta, and Super key names Decklin Foster <> invalid debian

All known versions for source package 'yeahconsole'
