Tagged status-Confirmed by bts-link-upstream@lists.alioth.debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
open #343369 src:zim Print from zim list usertags
open #345841 src:inkscape inkscape: Endpoint of scaled line segment moves list usertags
open #354669 src:bzr bzr: doesn't keep track of pending merges for merges of specific revisions list usertags
open #385167 src:inkscape Should not show the bitmapped fonts in the font menu or should be be fixed to be able to work with such fonts list usertags
open #435641 src:inkscape inkscape: Bloated PDF output list usertags
open #440440 src:bzr bzr: Bash auto completion is slow list usertags
open #455554 src:bzr post-export hook list usertags
open #458993 src:rubber rubber does not deal properly with chapterbib list usertags
open #466174 src:inkscape inkscape: Inkscape blocks when launching konqueror to view the manual and other help items list usertags
open #483536 src:backupninja Please support syslog output list usertags
open #513939 src:inkscape Please support exporting to non-experimental SVG. list usertags
open #513941 src:inkscape "Convert to text" doesn't preserve appearance. list usertags
open #538351 src:inkscape inkscape: work area is huge. list usertags
open #539601 src:inkscape inkscape: blending modes in AI/PDF files not imported list usertags
open #541788 src:duplicity duplicity: "Operation not permitted" missing operation in question list usertags
open #551006 src:hugin hugin: Hugin crashes at startup with "segmentation fault" list usertags
open #578708 src:bzr bzr+ssh urlspec documentation should mention version required on remote end list usertags
open #582210 src:bzr bzrtools: shelve crashes with "Tree transform is malformed" when renamed file already exists list usertags
open #671121 src:lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm and gnome-shell: cursor's theme is set back to default list usertags
open #693832 python-bzrlib python-bzrlib: Nags about registering on Launchpad when using lp: URLs list usertags
open #742460 src:lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter root window cursor problems list usertags
open #750893 src:duplicity duplicity: when incorrect ssh path provided coll-status always results in empty backup listing list usertags
open #817087 src:onioncircuits support multiple tor daemon instances list usertags
done #836116 src:moonshot-ui moonshot-ui: please check for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus before running dbus-launch list usertags
