Tagged python3.12 by debian-python@lists.debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
done #965059 python3-yubico Syntax warnings with Python 3.8 list usertags
open #1040290 python3-mysql.connector python3-mysql.connector: SyntaxWarning during package installation list usertags
open #1054794 src:openems openems: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:64: override_dh_auto_clean] Error 13 list usertags
open #1055728 src:segyio segyio ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1055801 python3-pandas pandas/pytables: ignored test fails with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056243 src:django-assets django-assets autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1056410 src:i3pystatus i3pystatus autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056435 src:ponyorm ponyorm's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056442 src:pyrlp pyrlp's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1056447 src:pontos pontos autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056457 src:python-ase python-ase's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056460 src:python-bytecode python-bytecode's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 (armhf) list usertags
open #1056469 src:python-docformatter python-docformatter's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056483 src:python-memory-profiler python-memory-profiler's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056485 src:python-mpd python-mpd asyncio tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1056496 src:python-pyknon python-pyknon's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056499 src:python-pyramid-chameleon python-pyramid-chameleon's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056503 src:python-semantic-release python-semantic-release's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1056511 src:python-urllib3 python-urllib3's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056531 src:spyder-kernels spyder-kernels: cannot handle Cython files with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056537 src:versiontools versiontools autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1056887 src:sfepy sfepy: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x list usertags
open #1057639 src:sqlalchemy sqlalchemy ftbfs with Python 3.12 (segfault during tests) list usertags
open #1057787 src:apparmor apparmor scripts give SyntaxWarning messages with python3.12 list usertags
open #1058031 src:pygame pygame: FTBFS with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1058047 src:gammapy gammapy: FTBFS with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1058087 src:python-bottle python-bottle: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'test' from 'bottle.ext' (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/bottle.py) list usertags
open #1058102 src:sqlalchemy flask-sqlalchemy: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" --system=custom "--test-args=PYTHONPATH={build_dir} {interpreter} -m pytest -v" returned exit code 13 list usertags
open #1058104 src:astropy-helpers astropy-helpers: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
done #1058132 src:python-mitogen python-mitogen: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
open #1058165 src:itango itango: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tango._tango' list usertags
done #1058173 src:magic-wormhole-mailbox-server magic-wormhole-mailbox-server: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'? list usertags
open #1058189 src:python-mockupdb python-mockupdb: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'ssl' has no attribute 'wrap_socket' list usertags
open #1058191 src:pprofile pprofile: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'? list usertags
done #1058200 src:python-pyepics python-pyepics: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'? list usertags
open #1058213 src:consonance consonance: FTBFS: TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer list usertags
done #1058233 src:sahara sahara: FTBFS: KeyError: slice(1, None, None) list usertags
open #1058236 src:routes routes: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'TestGeneration' object has no attribute 'assert_'. Did you mean: 'assertIn'? list usertags
done #1058237 src:python-boto python-boto: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
done #1058242 src:heat-cfntools heat-cfntools: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
open #1058246 src:qreator qreator: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cairo._cairo' list usertags
open #1058249 src:silver-platter silver-platter: FTBFS: tests.test_apply.TestScriptRunner.test_api ... failed to open trace file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/you-should-use-TestCaseInTempDir-if-you-need-a-log-file' list usertags
open #1058260 src:python-ck python-ck: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
open #1058262 src:debtags debtags: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' list usertags
open #1058265 src:sqlalchemy python-flask-marshmallow: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" returned exit code 13 list usertags
done #1058290 src:python-kafka python-kafka: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kafka.vendor.six.moves' list usertags
open #1058292 src:aioredis aioredis: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" returned exit code 13 list usertags
done #1058300 src:python-pytest-flake8 python-pytest-flake8: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" returned exit code 13 list usertags
open #1058333 src:python-docformatter python-docformatter: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.12 3.11" returned exit code 13 list usertags
open #1058392 src:python-oauth2client python-oauth2client: FTBFS: failed tests list usertags
done #1058456 src:numpy numpy: lib/tests/test_format.py seems to use a lot of memory with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1058469 src:bioxtasraw bioxtasraw: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058470 src:epigrass epigrass: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058471 src:esda esda: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058473 src:genx genx: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058474 src:gubbins gubbins: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058475 src:hyperspy hyperspy: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
done #1058476 src:libpysal libpysal: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058477 src:poliastro poliastro: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058479 src:python-cogent python-cogent: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058481 src:python-epimodels python-epimodels: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058482 src:python-loompy python-loompy: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058483 src:python-pynndescent python-pynndescent: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058485 src:python-sparse python-sparse: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058487 src:resampy resampy: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058488 src:spopt spopt: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1058489 src:umap-learn umap-learn: please (temporarily) drop python3-numba dependencies list usertags
open #1059635 src:pycxx pycxx: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1059642 src:python-duckpy python-duckpy: autopkgtest failure list usertags
open #1059647 src:scikit-fmm scikit-fmm: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1059648 src:sip4 sip4: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1059658 src:jupyter-client jupyter-client: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1059668 src:python-icecream python-icecream: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1059671 python3-capstone python3-capstone: Python 3.12 has no module named 'distutils' list usertags
open #1059672 src:syndication-domination syndication-domination: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1059673 src:trololio trololio: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1059835 src:cython cython: autopkgtest regression with Python 3.12 on 32-bit list usertags
open #1059838 src:cython cython: autopkgtest regression with Python 3.12 on ppc64el list usertags
done #1059839 src:cython-legacy cython-legacy: autopkgtest regression with Python 3.12 on 32-bit list usertags
done #1060318 src:pocl silx: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1060444 python3-networkx python3-networkx: SyntaxWarning during package installation if python3.12 is installed list usertags
done #1061229 src:numpydoc numpydoc: Failing autopkgtest list usertags
open #1061319 src:cadabra2 cadabra2 ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061422 src:blender blender ftbfs with Python 3.12 as the default list usertags
open #1061424 src:tulip tulip ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
done #1061434 python3-levenshtein python 3.12 extension not working list usertags
open #1061435 src:lintian-brush lintian-brush ftbfs with updated pyo3 version list usertags
open #1061440 src:azure-cosmos-table-python azure-cosmos-table-python: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061562 python3-pyrdfa SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\-' list usertags
open #1061593 src:androguard androguard: upgrade warning: apk.py:1027: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\>' list usertags
open #1061601 src:openstructure openstructure: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061603 src:openturns openturns: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
done #1061741 src:faiss faiss ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061742 src:git-remote-hg git-remote-hg ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061743 src:gramps gramps ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
done #1061744 src:ipyparallel ipyparallel ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061746 src:jupyter-notebook jupyter-notebook ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
done #1061755 src:python-mitogen python-mitogen ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1061758 src:python-xmlrunner python-xmlrunner ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
done #1061781 src:ansible-core ansible fails autopkg tests with Python 3.12 as the default list usertags
done #1061782 src:ansible-core ansible-core fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061783 src:apprise apprise fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061785 src:automake-1.16 automake-1.16 fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061786 src:backdoor-factory backdoor-factory fails it's autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061788 src:bookletimposer bookletimposer fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061795 src:csound csound fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061796 src:factory-boy factory-boy fails it's autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061811 src:mdanalysis mdanalysis fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061814 src:openmm openmm fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061817 src:pymodbus pymodbus autopkg tests time out with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061818 src:pytest-openfiles pytest-openfiles fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061821 src:python-ansible-compat python-ansible-compat fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061822 src:python-asdf python-asdf fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061824 src:python-cloudflare python-cloudflare fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061826 src:python-pdbfixer python-pdbfixer fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061833 src:pywebdav pywebdav autopkg fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061834 src:radio-beam radio-beam fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061836 src:recon-ng recon-ng fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061841 src:rstcheck rstcheck fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1061842 src:sdkmanager sdkmanager fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1061858 src:wannier90 wannier90 fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1063407 src:pybdsf pybdsf fails to build with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1063408 src:ontospy ontospy's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1063418 src:mdp mdp ftbfs in unstable list usertags
done #1063467 src:charliecloud charliecloud fails autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1063589 src:multiqc multiqc fails autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1063826 python3-binwalk python3-binwalk: core/magic.py:431: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\.' list usertags
open #1064307 src:awscli awscli ftbfs with Python 3.12 as the default list usertags
open #1064333 src:passenger passenger's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1064963 src:dh-python dh-python: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1065342 src:nagstamon nagstamon: upgrade warnings: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence list usertags
open #1065822 src:anki anki: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065825 src:ansible ansible: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065826 src:ansible-core ansible-core: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065830 src:astropy astropy: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065832 src:azure-cli azure-cli: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065837 src:cappuccino cappuccino: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065838 src:ceph ceph: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065839 src:codespell codespell: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065843 src:djvubind djvubind: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065844 src:dnf dnf: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065848 src:docker-compose docker-compose: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065849 src:docker-pycreds docker-pycreds: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065850 src:dogtag-pki dogtag-pki: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065851 src:doxyqml doxyqml: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065852 src:dput-ng dput-ng: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065853 src:drm-info drm-info: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065856 src:extension-helpers extension-helpers: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065858 src:fades fades: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065860 src:fonts-cantarell fonts-cantarell: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065863 src:galpy galpy: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065864 src:gaupol gaupol: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065865 src:gdal gdal: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065869 src:grass grass: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065871 src:grokevt grokevt: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065873 src:hamster-time-tracker hamster-time-tracker: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065874 src:icu icu: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065878 src:importmagic importmagic: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065882 src:jhbuild jhbuild: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065883 src:jupyter-core jupyter-core: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065884 src:keras keras: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065885 src:keras-applications keras-applications: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065886 src:keras-preprocessing keras-preprocessing: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065887 src:khard khard: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065890 src:krop krop: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065891 src:libfiu libfiu: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065893 src:libreoffice libreoffice: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065894 src:librepo librepo: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065895 src:libsigc++-2.0 libsigc++-2.0: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065896 src:libsigc++-3.0 libsigc++-3.0: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065899 src:lomiri-calculator-app lomiri-calculator-app: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065900 src:matrix-synapse matrix-synapse: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065901 src:mdtraj mdtraj: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065903 src:mm-common mm-common: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065905 src:mongo-cxx-driver-legacy mongo-cxx-driver-legacy: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065908 src:multiqc multiqc: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065909 src:nodejs nodejs: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065911 src:openmm openmm: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065912 src:openscap-daemon openscap-daemon: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065913 src:opm-common opm-common: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065916 src:petsc4py petsc4py: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065917 src:pulseaudio-dlna pulseaudio-dlna: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065920 src:pypeg2 pypeg2: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065921 src:pyroma pyroma: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065923 src:python-certbot python-certbot: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065925 src:python-djvulibre python-djvulibre: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065926 src:python-docker python-docker: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065928 src:python-enigma python-enigma: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065930 src:python-gnuplotlib python-gnuplotlib: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065932 src:python-param python-param: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065933 src:python-preshed python-preshed: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065935 src:python-pytray python-pytray: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065936 src:python-requests-cache python-requests-cache: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065937 src:python-sparkpost python-sparkpost: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065939 src:python-thinc python-thinc: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065941 src:pytorch pytorch: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065943 src:pytorch-cuda pytorch-cuda: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065945 src:q2-emperor q2-emperor: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065946 src:q2-sample-classifier q2-sample-classifier: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065948 src:rnp rnp: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065950 src:rss2email rss2email: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065952 src:s-tui s-tui: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065953 src:sagemath sagemath: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065955 src:slepc4py slepc4py: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065957 src:sndobj sndobj: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065958 src:soapysdr soapysdr: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065960 src:spopt spopt: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065961 src:sra-sdk sra-sdk: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065965 src:streamtuner2 streamtuner2: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065968 src:sympy sympy: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1065970 src:system-config-printer system-config-printer: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065983 src:systemfixtures systemfixtures: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065984 src:thefuck thefuck: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065989 src:tulip tulip: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065994 src:ust ust: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1065998 src:versiontools versiontools: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
done #1066000 src:viagee viagee: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066002 src:virt-manager virt-manager: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066004 src:virulencefinder virulencefinder: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066008 src:weresync weresync: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066009 src:wfuzz wfuzz: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066011 src:whipper whipper: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066012 src:zfs-dkms zfs-dkms: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils list usertags
open #1066863 python3-pyqtgraph python3-pyqtgraph: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\$' list usertags
done #1066999 src:ros-vision-opencv ros-vision-opencv ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1067000 src:ros-diagnostics ros-diagnostics ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1067507 src:lomiri-ui-toolkit lomiri-ui-toolkit ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1067527 src:nyx nyx: curses.py:118: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\[' list usertags
open #1067598 src:wfuzz wfuzz: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1067610 src:krb5 krb5 ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1067720 src:virtnbdbackup Don't hard-code the python version in d/control list usertags
done #1067726 python3-rdflib python3-rdflib: extras/external_graph_libs.py: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\*' list usertags
open #1067938 src:piuparts piuparts fails autopkg tests with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1068298 src:python-coverage python-coverage needs an update for Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1068525 python3-defcon SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence list usertags
open #1068643 src:meep meep needs an update for Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1068853 src:reprotest reprotest: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\;' list usertags
done #1068897 src:litecli litecli: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence list usertags
done #1069081 isenkram-cli isenkram-cli: usb.py: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s' list usertags
open #1069217 src:pysolid pysolid ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1069218 src:rocketcea rocketcea ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1069219 src:pymatgen pymatgen ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
done #1069220 src:mrcal mrcal ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1069221 src:termbox termbox ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1069223 src:yp-svipc yp-svipc ftbfs with Python 3.12 list usertags
open #1069988 src:onboard onboard: Onboard/Appearance.py: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\w' list usertags
done #1070219 python3-pyasn python3-pyasn: __init__.py:201: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\.' list usertags
open #1070349 onionshare-cli onionshare-cli: common.py: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s' list usertags
open #1070437 src:skimage skimage: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1070442 src:indexed-gzip indexed-gzip: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
open #1070480 src:deap deap: FTBFS with Python 3.12 as default list usertags
