Tagged ftbfs-20230216-recheck by lucas@debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
open #965794 python3-ooolib python-ooolib: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm list usertags
open #994274 src:syslinux syslinux: FTBFS with gnu-efi 3.0.13 list usertags
open #1002789 src:python-pycdlib python-pycdlib: FTBFS during tests if /tmp is not a tmpfs list usertags
open #1018021 src:giblib giblib: FTBFS with imlib2 1.9.1 list usertags
open #1020160 src:dh-elpa emacs-helm-ag: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: build] Error 25 list usertags
open #1020185 src:dh-elpa emacs-web-server: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25 list usertags
open #1026738 src:keras keras: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p "3.11 3.10" returned exit code 13 list usertags
open #1027250 src:keras keras: autopkgtest fail with numpy/1.24.1 list usertags
open #1028378 src:tycho tycho: FTBFS incompatible types: org.osgi.framework.BundleContext cannot be converted to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory list usertags
open #1042037 src:syslinux syslinux: FTBFS: main.c:33:8: error: unknown type name ‘jmp_buf’ list usertags
