Tagged superficial by debian-ci@lists.debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
open #969798 src:android-platform-external-libselinux android-platform-external-libselinux: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969799 src:android-platform-external-libunwind android-platform-external-libunwind: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969800 src:android-platform-frameworks-native android-platform-frameworks-native: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969816 src:cupp cupp: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969827 src:fuzz fuzz: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969874 src:vifm vifm: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #969876 src:virt-top virt-top: autopkgtest should be marked superficial list usertags
open #970945 src:acorn-fdisk acorn-fdisk: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #970948 src:copyright-update copyright-update: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #970956 src:lockout lockout: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #970970 src:sipvicious sipvicious: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #970972 src:statserial statserial: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
done #970974 src:trueprint trueprint: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #970975 src:vlock vlock: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971467 src:gdspy gdspy: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971468 src:gertty gertty: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971473 src:gr-dab gr-dab: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971474 src:haskell-hopenpgp-tools haskell-hopenpgp-tools: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971476 src:ht ht: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971478 src:keras-applications keras-applications: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971479 src:lm4tools lm4tools: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971481 src:myhdl myhdl: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971495 src:pylint-plugin-utils pylint-plugin-utils: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971498 src:python-mplexporter python-mplexporter: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971503 src:shelldap shelldap: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #971507 src:uget uget: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974223 src:node-babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx node-babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974224 src:node-es6-map node-es6-map: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974226 src:mustache.js mustache.js: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974228 src:node-estraverse node-estraverse: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974232 src:node-es6-symbol node-es6-symbol: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974233 src:node-event-emitter node-event-emitter: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974234 src:node-from2 node-from2: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974238 src:node-extsprintf node-extsprintf: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974239 src:node-fastcgi-stream node-fastcgi-stream: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974241 src:node-get-func-name node-get-func-name: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974243 src:node-getpass node-getpass: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974244 src:node-fs-exists-sync node-fs-exists-sync: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974245 src:node-gulplog node-gulplog: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974246 src:node-grunt-contrib-requirejs node-grunt-contrib-requirejs: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974247 src:node-gulp-newer node-gulp-newer: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974248 src:node-fancy-log node-fancy-log: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974249 src:node-grunt-replace node-grunt-replace: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974252 src:node-fuzzaldrin-plus node-fuzzaldrin-plus: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974253 src:node-has-to-string-tag-x node-has-to-string-tag-x: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974254 src:node-hashish node-hashish: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974255 src:node-has-ansi node-has-ansi: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974256 src:node-https-browserify node-https-browserify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974257 src:node-is-retry-allowed node-is-retry-allowed: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974258 src:node-isstream node-isstream: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974259 src:node-jquery-ujs node-jquery-ujs: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974260 src:node-json-loader node-json-loader: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974261 src:node-lazy-debug-legacy node-lazy-debug-legacy: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974263 src:node-hook-std node-hook-std: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974264 src:node-mem node-mem: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974266 src:node-jju node-jju: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974269 src:node-load-grunt-tasks node-load-grunt-tasks: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974270 src:node-node-dir node-node-dir: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974271 src:node-md5-hex node-md5-hex: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974272 src:node-match-at node-match-at: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974273 src:node-jquery-mousewheel node-jquery-mousewheel: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974274 src:node-mississippi node-mississippi: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974275 src:node-meow node-meow: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974276 src:node-obj-util node-obj-util: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974279 src:node-lodash-reescape node-lodash-reescape: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974280 src:node-nomnom node-nomnom: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974281 src:node-po2json node-po2json: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974282 src:node-pinkie node-pinkie: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974284 src:node-optimist node-optimist: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974287 src:node-react node-react: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974288 src:node-pseudomap node-pseudomap: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974290 src:node-npm-run-path node-npm-run-path: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974291 src:node-read-file node-read-file: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974292 src:node-preserve node-preserve: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974295 src:node-raven-js node-raven-js: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974296 src:node-repeat-string node-repeat-string: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974300 src:node-pseudorandombytes node-pseudorandombytes: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974303 src:node-repeating node-repeating: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974304 src:node-seedrandom node-seedrandom: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974305 src:node-set-getter node-set-getter: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974306 src:node-source-list-map node-source-list-map: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974307 src:node-require-directory node-require-directory: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974308 src:node-requires-port node-requires-port: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974309 src:node-stringstream node-stringstream: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974310 src:node-seq node-seq: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974311 src:node-sntp node-sntp: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974314 src:node-stream-assert node-stream-assert: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974315 src:node-strict-uri-encode node-strict-uri-encode: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974316 src:node-thenify node-thenify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974319 src:node-three-orbit-controls node-three-orbit-controls: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974320 src:node-uid-safe node-uid-safe: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974321 src:node-uglify-save-license node-uglify-save-license: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974322 src:node-urlgrey node-urlgrey: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974325 src:node-url-join node-url-join: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974326 src:node-three-stl-loader node-three-stl-loader: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974327 src:node-unpipe node-unpipe: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974330 src:node-vinyl-sourcemaps-apply node-vinyl-sourcemaps-apply: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974331 src:node-websocket-driver node-websocket-driver: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974333 src:node-wrappy node-wrappy: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974334 src:node-wcwidth.js node-wcwidth.js: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974335 src:node-verror node-verror: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974336 src:node-webfinger node-webfinger: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974337 src:node-webpack-stats-plugin node-webpack-stats-plugin: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974339 src:node-vue-hot-reload-api node-vue-hot-reload-api: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974340 src:node-which-module node-which-module: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974343 src:node-yamlish node-yamlish: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974348 src:node-rx node-rx: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974350 src:node-mess node-mess: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974351 src:node-pify node-pify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974352 src:node-jsbn node-jsbn: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974354 src:node-slide node-slide: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974355 src:node-gauge node-gauge: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974357 src:node-is-npm node-is-npm: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974358 src:node-pkg-up node-pkg-up: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974359 src:node-schlock node-schlock: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974361 src:node-shelljs node-shelljs: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974362 src:node-jsonify node-jsonify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974364 src:node-inflight node-inflight: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974365 src:node-sparkles node-sparkles: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974366 src:node-starttls node-starttls: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974367 src:node-sort-keys node-sort-keys: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974368 src:node-quick-lru node-quick-lru: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974370 src:node-fd-slicer node-fd-slicer: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974371 src:node-strip-eof node-strip-eof: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974372 src:node-getobject node-getobject: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974374 src:node-time-zone node-time-zone: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974375 src:node-term-size node-term-size: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974377 src:node-text-table node-text-table: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974378 src:node-jsonselect node-jsonselect: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974379 src:node-slice-ansi node-slice-ansi: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974383 src:node-sequencify node-sequencify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974384 src:node-has-gulplog node-has-gulplog: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974385 src:node-has-unicode node-has-unicode: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974386 src:node-type-detect node-type-detect: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974388 src:node-imurmurhash node-imurmurhash: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974389 src:node-resolve-cwd node-resolve-cwd: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974391 src:node-random-bytes node-random-bytes: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974392 src:node-is-plain-obj node-is-plain-obj: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974393 src:node-orchestrator node-orchestrator: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974394 src:node-registry-url node-registry-url: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974395 src:node-generic-pool node-generic-pool: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974396 src:node-resolve-from node-resolve-from: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974398 src:node-package-json node-package-json: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974399 src:node-os-browserify node-os-browserify: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974400 src:node-to-object-path node-to-object-path: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974401 src:node-json-localizer node-json-localizer: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974402 src:node-performance-now node-performance-now: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974403 src:node-shebang-command node-shebang-command: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974405 src:node-get-caller-file node-get-caller-file: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974407 src:node-promise-inflight node-promise-inflight: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974408 src:node-gulp-load-plugins node-gulp-load-plugins: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974410 src:node-is-data-descriptor node-is-data-descriptor: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974412 src:node-has-symbol-support-x node-has-symbol-support-x: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974413 src:node-json-parse-helpfulerror node-json-parse-helpfulerror: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974414 src:node-posix-character-classes node-posix-character-classes: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974415 src:node-generator-supported node-generator-supported: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974439 src:cbatticon cbatticon: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974440 src:case case: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974442 src:crrcsim crrcsim: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974445 src:antigrav antigrav: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974455 src:django-memoize django-memoize: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974457 src:iroffer iroffer: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974469 src:python-socksipy python-socksipy: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
done #974471 src:qflow qflow: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974478 src:ytree ytree: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974479 src:termbox termbox: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974486 src:gramofile gramofile: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974492 src:python-box python-box: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974494 src:pybluez pybluez: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974496 src:reparser reparser: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974506 src:python-irodsclient python-irodsclient: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974513 src:salt-pepper salt-pepper: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #974526 src:rdiff-backup rdiff-backup: autopkgtest must be marked superficial list usertags
open #1024096 src:rdiff-backup rdiff-backup: please run the upstream testsuite list usertags
