Tagged atlas-rm by debian-science@lists.debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
open #1056672 src:ergo (build-)depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056677 src:hpcc build-depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056678 src:iml (build-)depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056684 src:psfex (build-)depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056686 src:scamp (build-)depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056688 src:source-extractor (build-)depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1056689 src:theli build-depends on atlas, which is obsolete and scheduled for removal list usertags
open #1070013 src:atlas should not ship with trixie list usertags
