Tagged dep17m2 by helmutg@debian.org

StateBugSourcePackageTitleOther tags
open #1054480 dogtag-pki pki-server dogtag-pki: installs a systemd unit twice once dh_installsystemd installs to /usr list usertags
done #1058772 btrbk src:btrbk btrbk: let debhelper pick location of systemd service list usertags
done #1063571 pcre3 libpcre3 libpcre3: move libraries to /usr (DEP17) list usertags
done #1073774 shadowsocks-libev shadowsocks-libev shadowsocks-libev: move aliased files from / to /usr (DEP17) list usertags
open #1079245 kanboard kanboard kanboard: move aliased files from / to /usr (DEP17) list usertags
open #1086672 gitlab-ci-multi-runner gitlab-runner gitlab-runner: installs a systemd unit into /lib (DEP17) list usertags


By Bug
