Tagged gi-gir-path by pkg-gnome-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org

State Bug Package Title Other tags
open #1060906 src:cppgir cppgir: Please search the same paths for GIR XML that GObject-Introspection does list usertags
open #1060907 src:haskell-haskell-gi haskell-haskell-gi: Please search the same paths for GIR XML that GObject-Introspection does list usertags
open #1060909 src:gir-to-d gir-to-d: Please search the same paths for GIR XML that GObject-Introspection does list usertags
open #1060916 src:blueprint-compiler blueprint-compiler: Please search the same paths for GIR XML that GObject-Introspection does list usertags
