Debian Patches

Status for alot/0.10-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Use-local-intersphinx-inventories.patch Use local intersphinx inventories
Fetching the inventories off the Internet made the build unreliable.
This patch turns off the intersphinx feature for notmuch and urwid
since they don't have a -doc sphinx package yet. This patch only makes
sense in the Debian context.
Simon Chopin <> no 2017-02-16
0002-debian-Remove-test_no_spawn_no_stdin_attached-as-rec.patch debian: Remove test_no_spawn_no_stdin_attached as recommended by upstream dev

This test fails consistently under pbuilder builds.

I asked an upstream developer (Dylan Baker) why this might be the
case. He mentioned that this tests are inconsistent, and recommended
just ignoring the failure.
Jordan Justen <> no 2018-05-31
0003-alot-UnicodeEncodeError-for-search-queries-with-non-.patch alot: UnicodeEncodeError for search queries with non-ascii characters

Apply patch from
Johannes Schauer <> no 2018-08-16 tests/ Use gpg rather than gpg2
The debian gnupg2 package is a transitional package that symlinks gpg2
to gpg. Let's just use gpg directly.
Jordan Justen <> no 2018-12-18
0005-add-patch-that-fixes-a-race-condition-in-tests-close.patch add patch that fixes a race condition in tests (closes: #906335) Johannes 'josch' Schauer <> no 2019-02-12
0006-Remove-erroneous-extra-argument.patch Remove erroneous extra argument
(cherry picked from PR
Lucas Hoffmann <> no 2020-09-19

All known versions for source package 'alot'
