Debian Patches

Status for android-platform-build/1:10.0.0+r36-1.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix_zopfli_usage.diff zopfli is written in C but zipalign is in C++. Kai-Chung Yan <> no 2015-08-18
fix_zipalign_typo.diff Fix typo Kai-Chung Yan (殷啟聰) no 2016-10-06
python-2to3.patch run 2to3 tool 2to3 tool, no copyright not-needed
remove-optional-conscrypt-depends.patch remove optional conscrypt depends Conscrypt is a library that is only really maintained as an internal
dependency for Android. BouncyCastle should work just fine, so no
need to package up a large complicated library just for this.
Hans-Christoph Steiner not-needed 2016-10-12
Implement-range-based-pin-list.patch [PATCH 1/1] Implement range-based pin list
This extends the original pin list generation to support specifying a
range within a file. If any part of a file is pinned, its local file
header in the APK file is pinned as well.
Vic Yang <> no upstream 2019-07-09
zip-archive-reader-signature.patch update FileReader::ReadAtOffset signature FileReader:ReadAtOffset() signature was changed in
android-libziparchive-dev. Update the method signature
to match.
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed debian 2024-03-06
bouncycastle177-compat.patch remove usage of DerOutputStream BouncyCastle removed DerOutputStream and replaced it
with ASN1OutputStream.
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed debian 2024-03-06

All known versions for source package 'android-platform-build'
