Debian Patches

Status for android-platform-external-libunwind/10.0.0+r36-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
user_pt_regs.patch Manual definition of struct user_pt_regs On ARM64, libunwind uses struct user_pt_regs which is not defined in
anywhere, which causes FTBFS.
Kai-Chung Yan <> no 2016-08-24
legacy_built-in_sync_functions.patch Replace the legacy __sync built-in functions with __atomic ones libunwind uses the built-in __sync_* functions which are deprecated by GCC and
should be replaced by __atomic_* ones. See the official manuals [1].
The legacy __sync functions do not require to specify the memory order but
__atomic ones do, so we choose the strongest one: __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST.
We do this because __sync_fetch_and_add() is not supported on armel.
Kai-Chung Yan () no 2016-10-04
20150704-CVE-2015-3239_dwarf_i.h.patch Fixes "20150704-CVE-2015-3239"=================================================================== no

All known versions for source package 'android-platform-external-libunwind'
