Debian Patches

Status for android-platform-libcore/10.0.0+r36-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove-UnsupportedAppUsage.patch Remove UnsupportedAppUsage annotation UnsupportedAppUsage is an annotation that is used to specify that the class
or object used isn't techically a part of the Android SDK and thus isn't
supported. It is more of a warning for ourselves. It can be safely neglected.
Raman Sarda <> no 2020-05-18
remove-NonNull.patch Remove NonNull annotation. NonNull annnotation is just a warning that hints when you pass null to
methods that otherwise expect a non null arguments. Can be safely
ignored since it otherwise fails the build as it comes from libcore itself,
which we don't build.
Raman Sarda <> no 2020-05-18
remove-Nullable.patch Remove Nullable annotation Nullable annnotation is just a warning that hints you can pass null to
methods that can take null arguments. Can be safely ignored since it
otherwise fails the build as it comes from libcore itself,
which we don't build.
Raman Sarda <> no 2020-05-18
remove-CorePlatformApi.patch Remove libcore.api.CorePlatformApi annotation The annotation is avaiable in libcore. We only build json, so we cannot use it.
It can be safely ignored.
Raman Sarda <> no 2020-05-18

All known versions for source package 'android-platform-libcore'
