Debian Patches

Status for angband/1:4.2.5+dfsg1-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-fonts.patch Make the package work without upstream's fonts Angband's .fon files have been around for over 15 years, and the original .fnt files have
been lost, so their copyright status is uncertain. To ensure that the package remains DFSG-
free, we remove them and use fonts from other packages. This patch does what is necessary.
Chris Carr <> not-needed 2023-10-15
update-thanks.patch Update thanks.rst to include everyone named in source files Chris Carr <> invalid 2023-10-09
fix-licences.patch Fix erroneous licence refs in source files Chris Carr <> yes 2023-10-10
localmanual.patch Point to local manual The in-game help points to the online manual. This patch adds a pointer to the
locally installed version, which is otherwise not noted anywhere.
Chris Carr <> not-needed 2023-10-01
unhack-gcu.patch Make the gcu port behave the same as the other ports A few years ago, became very popular. This uses the console (gcu) port.
Some keymap hacks were added to enable running in (where the use of the
period to run did not translate well into the .live environment). The upshot of the
keymaps is that the gcu port, as shipped by upstream, changes the default movement
to running instead of walking. This is both dangerous to players, and inconsistent
with the x11 and SDL2 ports shipped with Debian. So this patch reverts the keymaps
and sets the gcu port back to walking by default. This patch has now been included
upstream and will be removed for 4.2.6.
Chris Carr <> invalid 2023-10-01
fix-borg-typos.patch Fix typos in the borg code Chris Carr <> invalid 2023-09-17
remove-nonfree.patch Upstream ships sound and graphics files which are under non-freelicenses, so these are removed before creating the orig.tar.gz - these changes
are necessary to configure the build system and game properly without them.
Chris Carr <> not-needed
desktop-keywords.patch Adds keywords to upstream's desktop entries.diff -urN angband-3.5.1-orig/lib/xtra/icon/angband-sdl2.desktop angband-3.5.1/lib/xtra/icon/angband-sdl2.desktop Chris Carr <> invalid
manpage.patch Correct an error in the manpage Chris Carr <> not-needed
fix-borg-warnings.patch Fix borg compiler warnings Chris Carr <> invalid 2023-08-30
remove-borg-version.patch commit 8e10a0e003a33a2df47181e3ef17e1bd380fca1c (HEAD -> master)

Now the Borg is integrated, remove the separate version information for it

diff --git a/src/borg/borg1.c b/src/borg/borg1.c
index 27c801f00..1cf1224a3 100644
Peter Denison <> no 2023-09-07
verbose_build.patch Verbose build for BLHCdiff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 16a83b7..1b0ea07 100644
Alexandre Detiste <> not-needed 2023-10-10

All known versions for source package 'angband'
