Debian Patches

Status for artemis/18.1.0+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
samreader.patch Implement new htsjdk API See Sascha Steinbiss <> yes debian 2016-12-07
use-lang3.patch use lang3 Sascha Steinbiss not-needed 2016-12-07
using_system_jars_in_pom.patch specifying paths on Debian system for some dependencies For those dependencies, no maven-repo tree is available, we are therefore
giving their path with system scope.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-09-04
missing_htsjdk_dependency_in_pom.patch adding missing dependency on htsjdk in pom Pierre Gruet <> yes 2020-09-04
no_install_of_provided_jars.patch avoid installing embedded jars as we removed them Author relies on jars that are embedded in their source archive. Instead, we
use the ones that are packaged in Debian.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-09-04
running_build_tests.patch changes in pom and in test definitions when they cannot be run In pom.xml, we remove the part relative to Evosuite as, as mentioned in pom,
provided build tests are not compatible with Evosuite.
We also remove the lines allowing to skip tests or to ignore failures.
In the definitions of the tests, we add @Ignore for the ones that require a
X11 instance to run.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-09-05
debianize_launcher_scripts.patch Simplifying the provided launchers Many options or tricks are useless on a Debian system.
The paths are also adapted to the Debian install.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-09-06

All known versions for source package 'artemis'
