Debian Patches

Status for atuin/18.4.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
reduce-members.patch Reduce workspace members to enabled ones not-needed 2024-09-08
disable-tracing-tree.patch Disable unavailable dep tracing-tree not-needed 2024-07-14
disable-clap_complete_nushell.patch Disable unavailable dep clap_complete_nushell nushell itself is also not packaged. not-needed 2024-07-14
disable-daemon.patch Disable daemon feature and command with unavailable deps tonic-types, protox, hyper-util not-needed 2024-07-14
disable-metrics.patch Disable metrics from the server. Depends on unavailable deps. Plus, some might prefer not on public servers. not-needed 2024-09-08
disable-tls.patch Disable TLS for the server using unavailable dep axum-server plus rustls-pemfile 2, while only 1 is packaged, so more patching is neede to
make it work.
not-needed 2024-09-08
disable-email-verify.patch Disable email sending, thus account verification functionality It currently hardcodes a dependency for the postmark provider.
Disabled by default anyway, without item in config template.
not-needed 2024-12-29
disable-check-update.patch Disable update checks since Debian does the updating not-needed 2024-12-29
disable-benches.patch Disable benches thus used unavailable dep divan not-needed 2024-12-29
downgrade-axum-0.6.patch Downgrade axum to packaged 0.6 replacing tokio::net::TcpListener with the std one. Not sure what impact this
has, but in 0.6 axum uses hyper 0.14 ::Server, which only accepts the std one.
not-needed 2024-09-08
downgrade-config-0.11.patch not-needed 2024-07-14
relax-deps.patch not-needed 2024-10-07
change-sqlx-runtime.patch Use the tokio+native-tls runtime combination because upstream chosen tokio+rustls was disabled in packaged sqlx. not-needed 2024-10-07
disable-tests-requiring-db.patch not-needed 2024-09-08

All known versions for source package 'atuin'
