Debian Patches

Status for autojump/22.5.1-1.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
man-source.patch Add the instruction to enable autojump to its manpage This modification is done in the source file, then compiled with:
pandoc -st man -o autojump.1
Tanguy Ortolo <> not-needed 2013-04-14
move-to-usrshare.patch Move autojump's scripts to /usr/share=================================================================== Tanguy Ortolo <> not-needed 2013-04-14
use-python3.patch Run autojump with Python 3. autojump is written to work with Python 2 as well as Python 3 with no
modification. Because Python 2 cannot decode Python 3's serialized code
(pickle), but Python 3 can read Python 2's one, it is better to always
use Python 3.

Tanguy Ortolo <> no 2011-07-23

All known versions for source package 'autojump'
