Debian Patches

Status for awscli/1.19.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
adopt_to_botocore_changes Adopt to botocore changes.
botocore is changed to remove duplicated code. So import path have to be changed.

awscli (1.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

* Initial release (Closes: #733211)
TANIGUCHI Takaki <> no debian 2018-02-03
remove_awscli_announcement Remove the awscli v2 announcement Upstream has released version 2 of this package, and is announcing it
via stdout on invocation of the aws command in some circumstances. V2
is not yet ready to be packaged for Debian, and we don't find this
announcement particularly helpful for our users at this point, given
that there's no mechanism to suppress it. So we remove it.
Noah Meyerhans <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'awscli'
